To start Denison Pre-Algebra, a student only needs to be able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide one-digit numbers. This is because any student going into 7th or 8th grade has no doubt already been exposed to (and most likely been beaten up by) all of the essential elementary and middle school math topics needed (place value, long operations by hand, fractions, decimals, percents, etc.), even if it was done in a scattered or ineffective way. So, while a student may not have fluency in these areas, this gives us something to build on. In Denison Pre-Algebra, we start out by reviewing and reteaching the most basic math skills, but in a gentle way that makes sense for high school level math study. For example, it is not necessary to insist that students multiply large numbers by hand, such as 1438 x 805. This is very tedious and defeating for a lot of students (and is a waste of time). In high school, we usually use a calculator for such large numbers. So, in Denison Pre-Algebra, we review and reteach sensible arithmetic skills that you would do by hand, such as 72 x 8, but not long tedious arithmetic that causes heavy cognitive load on students. We review the basics of arithmetic, fractions, decimals, etc., but not at a highly tedious and defeating level. This allows us to push through the arithmetic block often experienced by struggling students and move on to learning algebra concepts in high school. This also allows us to write a course that does not require heavy prerequisites.