Success Algebra 1 Week 1
Start Here
Welcome to Success Algebra 1! We’re glad you’re here. Before you begin, be sure to check out our steps to success listed here. Once you’ve read these, you’re ready to dive in.
- Print the Textbook Section – We’re serious about this one! Having physical notes and assignments is key to math success. It reduces copying errors, increases productivity, and boosts retention. Click the Week 1 Notes & Assignments button below to print the full week of lessons. Â
 - Remember this is Review – Keep in mind that this is the first week of Success Algebra 1. This means that the lessons are review of previous math, and your student may already know most or all of the topics covered. This is normal! New concepts will be introduced in the following lessons and chapters.Â
 - Do Lessons Daily – This means one lesson per day during the school week. A full lesson includes watching the lesson video, completing the assignment, and checking and correcting work using the solutions manual or solutions videos.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4

Day 5
Congrats on Finishing Week 1!
Bravo and good work! Keep in mind that this section is primarily review, so it's okay if you (the student) already know some or all of the material covered. Additionally, when you are enrolled in the course, you will have a physical textbook in front of you instead of printed notes and the formatting of the online portion will look a little different then it does here. Still, we hope this week gave a good feel for the flow and style of our curriculum. Head back to the Success Algebra 1 course page for more information and helpful FAQs, or purchase the full course below!