What Families Are Saying...


Parent of 10th Grader

"My daughter is working on a lesson in Success Algebra 1 and just said “This math makes me feel like I’m actually good at math!” WOW! Thank you for your product!"


Parent of 9th Grader

"My son has always been homeschooled and is now in the ninth grade. Math has always been a subject that he shuts down with and will not even tackle. He also has severe anxiety. For the first time he has asked to do it on his own. Every day he logs on his computer, follows your lesson, and completes the assignment. I have never seen him in all these years so motivated to want to do math. I thank you from the bottom of my heart because I never thought this moment would happen."


Parent of 7th Grader & 9th Grader

"My kids have loved this program!  It has been an answer to prayer in our house!  They have remembered everything that they learned last year and are doing so well this year.  Thank you for creating such an amazing curriculum.  I am confident that my children will be ready for college math after they have completed all of your classes!"


Parent of 12th Grader

"Before discovering your courses, [my daughter] absolutely hated math and was quite frustrated. Each new concept that was introduced to her in the online program she was taking required me to explain it multiple times. That continued until I found you, and what a complete turnaround it has been! Math is now her favorite subject, and she rarely needs my help. To see the growth in her has been awesome! You have such a wonderful ability to make it fun, relatable, and easy to understand. All that to say, not only does she thank you, I do as well!" 



"Denison Algebra has made such a difference in my son's life that I had to reach out and let you know.  Prior to this he hated math and felt so defeated.  He struggles with dyslexia and dysgraphia and I was just hoping he could understand some of the basics, the progress he has made blows me away. He actually came to me and asked if he could work ahead. He told me how much he loves math, especially graphing.  He just took the final test and got 100%! If parents are on the fence about which math curriculum to pick, it's this one."


Parent of 8th Grader

"We are loving this curriculum! You have rescued my child from hating math to it now being one she actually likes! Never would I have thought this possible given our math journey. From tears and fights that I dreaded each day to now it being complete cooperation - no fights, zero tears! Thank you SO MUCH!" 


Parent of 8th Grader & 9th Grader

"Today we finished Success Algebra 1. It was a monumental day in our homeschool. I have tried almost every math curriculum that’s available. She has struggled through math the entire journey. This math was life changing. Not only does she understand what she learned, but she did it entirely on her own. I want to say thank you to Mr. Denison. This math program has removed so much stress from our life. I am so thankful that I have finally found a math that is practical and user friendly. My 8th grader, who has hated every math program we have ever used, has also been thriving using the Pre Algebra program. It has literally changed our homeschool and I will tell every one I know about it. Thank you!"


Parent of 7th Grader

"We recently purchased your curriculum for our daughter and have found it to be an answered prayer! Math has been an incredibly frustrating subject in our house and we have struggled to find something beyond the elementary years that our girls can confidently comprehend, until now! Your curriculum has brought peace back to our school table and eliminated the tears at math time." 


Parent of 8th Grader

"I just wanted to tell you that your program has been life changing. My 8th grade daughter always hated math and it was becoming harder for me to teach her. We decided to try Denison Pre Algebra and it was the best decision we’ve made. Mr. Denison explains things in such a great way and we love his sense of humor. The program is laid out in such a user-friendly way that allows my daughter to do all of it independently. She now says math is her favorite subject and wants to do it first every day. I’m so grateful to have found this program and I know my other kids will love it too. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."


Parent of 11th Grader

"My 11th grader took College Algebra last fall. The first part of the course included a review of Algebra 2. Everything they touched on, my younger son had covered recently in Denison Algebra 2. It was fun to see the overlap between the two courses throughout the semester, where the Denison course was providing a foundation for something that I know my younger son will learn later in college math."


Parent of 8th Grader

"We started Denison pre algebra this year with my 8th grader. We’ve tried many math curriculums and she would get through them but she didn’t enjoy math at all. She wasn’t excited about an online portion when we started Denison this year. Today our daughter, who always groaned about math, told her dad “I think I’m actually starting to like math.” I love seeing her attitude change as she gains more confidence in this subject. Just wanted to leave a review and say thank you so much!!!"


Parent of 9th Grader
 "Just wanted to say thank you for making such an incredible math program. My daughter, who has dyslexia and auditory processing disorder, is 4 weeks into the Algebra Success course. She is doing amazing and for the first time ever, she is LOVING math! She told me yesterday that this math curriculum is the first math she's used to where she hasn't felt like a failure. Thank you so much for understanding how to meet kids with learning differences where they are and lay things out so clearly!"


Parent of 8th Grader

"Thanks again for all you do. My son not only believes he is good at math now, but it’s his favorite subject."


Success Algebra 1

"My son who is 15, has struggled through math for years due to autism & ADHD. Years of him being frustrated and shutting down the minute we encountered variables and two-step problems. With Denison, he has been able to open his lessons and complete them without any help from me. It truly is amazing and we will be using Denison for Geometry and Algebra 2 to get him through high school."


Parent of 10th Grader

"This may sound cliché and corny, but Denison Success Algebra has not just changed math for us, it has been life changing. This one program has changed our entire school day... My dyslexic and dysgraphic son went from being what some would call a struggling learner, to a responsible, independent, and successful student."


Parent of 9th Grader

"Because of Denison Algebra, our daughter says she LOVES the subject and is doing extremely well in it. She looks forward to the next chapter every school day." 


Parent of 9th Grader

"My son tonight said, 'This math makes my brain happy.' That's an amazing compliment as for years he's despised math and he didn't see the importance."


Parent of 7th Grader & 10th Grader

"Having tried other math curricula, both of my girls had become sincere math haters. As their homeschool guide/teacher it has been frustrating to see their struggle and frustration with it. But since starting your courses they have both said that they actually like and enjoy math, which is a HUGE change. I am just so grateful! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!"


Parent of 9th Grader

"I’d love to tell you that my 15 year old daughter with dyslexia/APD has done incredible in your Success Algebra class. She takes her math quizzes with so much confidence and without assistance and almost always gets all of them correct. It’s sometimes unbelievable to me to see her work math problems and especially word problems. THANK YOU!!


Parent of 8th Grader & 10th Grader

"What a difference your program has made. Finally math is peaceful and productive." 



Parent of 11th Grader

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I can’t tell you how much of a lifesaver your curriculum has been. Math used to take hours, tears, tantrums and never independently. Since nearly day 1 with your curriculum, my daughter has been independent, confident and scoring 95% and retaining all info. In fact, she even says she enjoys math now! That is a lot coming from a child with severe dyscalculia. Thank you!"


10th Grader

"He [Mr. Denison] makes math make sense." 


Parent of 10th Grader

"Since switching my daughter to Denison Algebra we have seen huge changes in her regarding math - especially with confidence and willingness to complete her lessons on her own."


Parent of 10th Grader

"My sophomore just started algebra 1 with you and says she wishes she had this all along! I’m so thankful math is not a struggle this year for both of us. So, thank you for what you do! Your work is truly bringing blessings and PEACE to our entire family."


Parent of 9th Grader

"Our daughter's attitude about math completely changed for the better last year when we began using Denison Algebra, and we are looking forward to another great school year with Denison Geometry this fall!" 


Parent of 9th Grader

"I would like to say thank you for the difference you've made in my child's life! She no longer has tears of hate for math."


Parent of 9th Grader

"Thank you so much for offering these programs. Before your program, my son was stuck and discouraged. It's wonderful to see him feel confidence again."


Parent of 9th Grader

"My son with autism is using [Success Algebra 1] now.  It is THE BEST MATH I have ever used in high school with him. It is the way I have learned to teach him other subjects - he needs patterns to follow, and if he can learn the pattern, he will do just fine."


Parent of 10th Grader

"We are LOVING your course and have told everyone we know! Can't wait to use Algebra II next year, and we are just so sad we didn't know about you for Algebra I. While it still isn't easy for my daughter, she is feeling more capable than ever with math."


Parent of 9th Grader

"You have no idea how much your math program has helped our family!!! Less frustration, more confidence that is spilling into other subjects, and my son is actually choosing to do math first thing in the morning. We're Denison math people for life!!"


Parent of 9th Grader

"My daugher, who has never liked math, now says math is her favorite subject! I love that you've kept the lessons short and concise, not overwhelming the student with too much at once. Job well done - really well done!"


Parent of 9th Grader & 10th Grader

"Your math program is the BEST math program I've ever worked with!!!! I'm so grateful for your program. My daughter is doing awesome and I finally have some peace about math! I will be putting my son in your course as well." 


Parent of 9th Grader

"My math adverse son loves your course. In fact, he woke up this morning asking to do it before we went to his biology class at the homeschool academy. That's a first."


Parent of 9th Grader

"I found Denison Algebra this year... after a tireless search and review of 30+ curricula. It has been a GAME CHANGER for my 9th grade math hater! "


Parent of 9th Grader

"I am so beyond thankful for you and your curriculum. More than anything, just seeing my daughter not feel so defeated when it comes to math is more than I could've hoped for. She is getting it. It's sticking! And she has so much more confidence! Thank you!"


Parent of 9th Grader

"This was our first year of math with no tears."


Parent of 8th Grader

"You have been a game-changer for our household's attitude about math. We will forever be in your debt for digging us out of the "I'm-no-good-at-math" hole and setting us on level ground again."


Parent of 8th Grader & 10th Grader

"You've redeemed math for two of my kids already."

Have something to say?

We value your feedback and reviews! Please email [email protected] to let us know how Denison Algebra courses worked for your family. We will always ask permission before posting your review on our website or social media platforms.